Year In Review
Dec 29, 2023
It’s helpful to look back and recognize the big moments of the year, {{ first_name }}. Some people say, “Celebrate the wins.” And certainly do that - even though, for some reason, I’m not a fan of the word “wins,” but I digress… Yes, it’s important to remember the great things you accomplished over the year; however, if you neglect to remember your challenges then you aren’t respecting your journey - it's like cutting a portion of the story out. We can learn so much about ourselves, our coping abilities, and our resilience during and after these hardships. So, yes remember the accomplishments - which are all the sweeter because of your hardships. Remind yourself that you’re a strong, resilient, and resourceful individual. CBWS and I are clearly tied together and as such here is our year in review:
- Launched and ran the Babywearing For the Healthcare Worker Program.
- Two successful pilot programs (program goes public in 2024!😀).
- 27 healthcare workers trained across five hospitals.
- Launched and ran our inaugural “The Working Group”.
- We met for a total of 26 sessions with everyone staying on for the second session!
- Everyone found a way to generate profit!
- I became a Full Focus Certified Pro - why? Well, YOU, of course!
- For years, I’ve seen people struggle to manage life, kids, parents, starting a business...etc. I want to help you, and this helps!
- Woohoo, I Finished School - often referred to as Graduating! I’m officially a “Holistic Life and Business Coach!” Again, I did this for you.
- I want you to be successful in your life and work. I’m saddened to see someone walk away defeated. I want you to be different!
- FYI, I took my practicals and written finals just after my mother passed away. I really don’t recommend you take that path.
- I spent 409 hours on business coaching. I’m almost to the PCC certification level.
- 83% of those coaching hours were working with people making babywearing their business.
- All clients improved their profit line, gained more free time, and grew their businesses.
- I spent 63 hours consulting for 6 different babywearing manufacturers and retailers focused on strategy and operations.
- I taught 6 ‘Foundations in Babywearing Education and Consultation’ courses and welcomed 114 people to the ‘Newborn Babywearing Support training ’.
- I spent 317 hours on babywearing-specific education this year.
- I presented at the ‘NOWs the Time’ conference on the evidence base for babywearing.
- I presented to the Developmental Council of Arizona State (NIDCAP nurses) on the evidence base for babywearing.
- I spent a wonderful week in Sweden:
- Meeting with the PR, Marketing, Development, and Compliance teams at Baby Björn,
- Spent a lovely day with Kerstin Unvas Möberg,
- A lovely evening with Ulrika Casselbrant,
- An afternoon with retailer, GOS Butiken, proving that babywearing makes the best friends.
- And an epic day with Henrik Norholt the CEO of Moova.
- I wrote and delivered eulogies for two amazing women who led their lives with purpose.
- I wrapped up the year with a brand new Graduate Portal - one of my long-standing wish list items!
I had my fair share of hardships this year and I remind myself I did all these things while dealing with my daunting personal life. It's especially important for me to remember this when the inner-critic-gremlin rears its ugly head. In reality, as you can see above, I only worked 31 of 52 weeks this year.
- Meaning I took 21 weeks off to do other things, which turned out to be the hardest things I’ve ever done and words won't do it justice.
- You may have had incredible challenges this year, too. It’s the whirlwind of life - the ups and downs. We live our life on the way to the goals after all.
Sometimes, you have to put your work on the shelf - for a bit. I kept 95% of my commitments, including nearly all the committed face-to-face work I had scheduled.
- Missing only one of my Foundations classes - who gave me a week off for a funeral at great inconvenience to them too.
- The Developmental Council of Arizona State gave me a pass on my initial presentation as I was at my mother's bedside during her hospice care.
As you can see, there were ups and downs this year - as is the way. I’m happy to say good riddance to this year, but will bring forward the lessons. I'm grateful to you for being a part of my circle. I wish you well in the coming year. I'd love to hear about your ‘year in review’ at the Soirée on January 8th!