The Working Group


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Sharpen your strategyStrengthen your business.

If you're actively working on your business and are ready to develop, expand, evolve, and grow it...'re in the right place!

Ready to stop stabbing in the dark? Looking for feedback and ideas? Tired of the guesswork? Are you itching to craft a clear, aligned, and achievable strategy? Yes? Then, this is for you! 

  • If you're not making enough money to give you the financial freedom you desire.
  • If you know, you could do more with your marketing and revenue streams.
  • If the impostor syndrome monster rears its ugly head and tells you, "I'm not cut out for this!"
  • If you're overwhelmed and feel like you're losing the battle.
  • If you're flying below your potential and beating yourself up because of it.

Then, it's time for a change!

The group has got you! You want an adaptable brand that will grow and evolve as 'life happens' and your goals change. You want your life and business to make a difference. You want to generate a significant impact for those you serve. 

I love the passionate, ambitious, honest, darn good person you are and that you're ready to do what it takes to realize your vision!

"Tell me more about the program."

We meet weekly for live group coaching and accountability sessions.

  • During the weekly 90-minute sessions, we will explore what's working and what's not, provide feedback, and plot your next steps.

  • Each session is structured to include group discussion time, actions needed, and accountability follow-up. 

  • The group decides what else is needed. Some examples from past groups:

    • In-depth workshops:
      • Align your weekly actions to your yearly blueprint.
      • Your values and strengths impact your business, so let's make the most of them!
    • Recorded material and exercises based on the group's needs.

    • Invited guest experts to help fill in gaps. We've had guests to discuss marketing trends and structuring for profit.

    • Group social media events/challenges/activities where we raise our collective voices to drive awareness. 

    • Plus, whatever the group agrees to, we do!

  • Exercises to help you move forward. Designed to maximize your decision-making, problem-solving, and financial potential.

  • Weekly Accountability and Support Check-ins on our Private Slack Channel

    • You'll receive accountability prompts each week to encourage you to check in, review, set intentions, and more.

    • You'll be invited to share with the group and get support to keep you on point and focused.

    • The Slack channel helps ensure you're not alone as you build your business. 

"Is This Small-Group Coaching Program Right For Me?"

I get it. Maybe you haven't been part of a group coaching setting before and wonder if it will help you.

Listen, this program is NOT for you if...

  • You want to figure out everything on your own, even if it takes you 10x longer.
  • You believe your inner critic when it tells you, "You're only successful if you do it yourself."
  • You're not ready to break through your limiting stories.
  • You don't have at least 20 hours a week to invest in your business.
  • You don't like receiving feedback and supporting others in a group environment.

However, this program IS for you if...

  • You're committed to taking action and tackling the big, small, and niggling things.
  • You're ready to get out of overwhelm and stuck-ness and into clarity and confidence.
  • You're excited to roll up your sleeves to develop, scale, or evolve your business.
  • You're exhilarated and ready to break through your self-imposed glass ceiling!
  • You want to work up, and on, your customized road map for your business.
  • You'd be thrilled to work with a small group of like-minded individuals who take consistent action, have similar issues, and want to create business momentum. 

"What about the details?"

The next session is starting soon
The doors are now open!

The seats are limited to ensure the group never grows beyond my ability to provide high-level individualized support for everyone.

The group meets

  • Tuesday mornings: 10a - 11:30a EST 

 How many times will we meet? 
Umm, you are seriously good with questions! We'll meet 9 times in the next session of the year!

If you have other questions or concerns, book a call with me or join me on this free webinar!

Looking for a payment plan? Click here! 

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