We just birthed a new online training: Newborn Babywearing
Aug 01, 2020
We are excited to move this training finally online
Working with new parents, parents-to-be, and caregivers is rewarding. It also continuously evolves and you have to keep up with all the latest aspects of your job!
Many professionals struggle to master the baby carrier 'trend' and in doing so have missed a key way to assist their clients in a smooth transition to parenthood.
We don't believe babywearing is a 'trend.'
Babywearing is an essential tool in assisting the caregiver and the baby adjust to the new reality of life outside of the womb. Use babywearing to make your work more impactful for those you work with, and use it yourself when you are caring for an infant!
- More parents are buying carriers.
- More parents plan to use their carrier in the early weeks.
- Parents expect babywearing to be easy.
- Parents expect you to know how to use carriers.
The sheer number of options available can be overwhelming to both you and your clients!
On our last trip to local big box stores, we found over 15 different carriers in a heavily picked over carrier section. The online sites had even more! Go to a store that specializes in carriers, and you could easily find 40+ carriers! It seems like each month there is a new carrier out on the market.
How do you keep up?
We are here to demystify babywearing for you! Who is this course for?
This course was created with you in mind. You, the perinatal professional, who has to keep up to date on so many aspects of your work. Let the carrier part be our job!
Why Newborn Babywearing?
This unique time period deserves some special consideration, especially when adding a carrier or sling to the mix. If you don't work with newborns in carriers every day, then we know it can be challenging.
This course is designed to give you the confidence to speak about babywearing and baby carriers in a clear and concise way. Just as your clients would expect.
Your clients have done some research; enough to know if you know your stuff. Let me build that language for you!
In this fun and interactive course you will:
- Have access to pre-recorded video to watch on your time schedule.
- Attend live virtual Office Hours each month, where you can ask questions, explore new carriers, and hear how others are using this material in their work *optional
- Develop a greater understanding of babywearing.
- Understand why there are so many options, and how they may fit each person differently.
- Walk away with the rationale behind the 'benefits' of wearing babies.
- Get up to date on positioning and safety guidelines.
- Explore the transition to the world from the babies point of view and how the carrier can support the new family during this transition.
- Learn how carriers reduce crying.
- Gain practical skills for newborns in the Ring Sling, the Stretchy Wrap, and Soft Structured Carriers.
- Learn about the additional carrier styles on the market.
- Work on troubleshooting the most common carriers you encounter to make certain your clients are comfortable and build your confidence around these issues.
- Practice your language around introducing your clients to carriers and in assisting them.
- Walk away with an action plan for immediate implementation into your work.
Joanna McNeilly:
“This course, initially launched in 2017 was a live in-person course and I'm excited to update it and bring it online! I have been working virtually with babywearing education for several year, long before COVID-19 upended the world. I promise you the class will fun, interactive, highly educational, and professional.”